In the thrilling world of African big game hunting, two renowned organizations, Rowland Ward and Safari Club International, have established their own sets of minimums and records for African game animals. These benchmarks serve as a testament to the extraordinary hunting achievements of some, while promoting conservation and ethical hunting practices. In this article, we’ll delve into these measuring systems of Rowland Ward minimums and Records and Safari Club Minimums for the Game Animals of Africa, exploring their significance, differences, and impact on the hunting community.

Measuring a trophy with the Rowland Ward Method
Measuring a trophy Kudu horns

Damaliscs and HirolaRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Blesbok16 4/840.020 5/8
Bontebok1436.016 6/8
Hirola or Hunter’s Hartebeest23ED28 4/8
Korrigum2258.033 1/8
Tiang2052.026 4/8
Topi1645.024 3/8
Tsessebe (Sassaby)1540.018 7/8
DuikersRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Bush Duikers   
Angolan Bush Duiker311.06 8/16
East African Bush Duiker3 12/1611.06 2/16
Southern Bush Duiker4 8/1611.07 2/16
Western Bush Duiker3 8/1610.06 4/16
Forest DuikersRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Abbott’s Duiker3ED4 6/16
Aders’s or Zanzibar Duiker1ED1 8/16
Bay Duiker2 8/165.04 14/16
Black Duiker2 8/16ED6 14/16
Black-fronted Duiker3ED4 12/16
Blue Duiker1 12/164.02 8/16
Gabon or White-bellied Duiker2 8/16ED5
Harvey’s Duiker2 8/166.05
Jentink’s Duiker4 8/16ED8 6/16
Maxwell’s Duiker1 8/16ED2 10/16
Natal or Red Duiker2 8/168.04 2/16
Ogilby’s Duiker2 8/16ED4 12/16
Peters’s Duiker36.05 14/16
Red-flanked Duiker2 8/167.04 2/16
Yellow-backed Duiker4 8/1613.08 6/16
Zebra or Banded Duiker1ED3 1/16
Dwarf AntelopesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Beira Antelope3 5 8/16
Dik-Diks (long snouted)RW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Damara Dik-Dik2 8/167.04 4/16
Guenther’s Dik-Dik2 8/168.04 4/16
Kirk’s Dik-Dik38.04 10/16
Dik-Diks (short snouted)RW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Harar Dik-Dik26.03 8/16
Phillips’s Dik-Dik2ED2 12/16
Salt’s Dik-Dik2 4/166.04 10/16
Silver or Piacentini’s Dik-Dik2 2
Swayne’s Dik-Dik2ED2 14/16
Grysboks & SteenbokRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Cape Grysbok37.05 4/16
African Game Animals
Sharpe’s Grysbok1 8/165.04 2/16
Steenbok4 8/1611.07 10/16
Klipspringer4 2/1611.06 6/16
OribisRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Common Oribi513.07 8/16
Haggard’s Oribi3 12/16ED6 6/16
Sunis & RelativesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Bates’s Pygmy Antelope13.51 15/16
East African Suni2 2/166.04
Livingstone’s Suni3 4/169.05 4/16
Royal Antelope1ED1 6/16
GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Cuvier’s or Atlas Gazelle1025.515
Dama, Mhorr, or Addra Gazelle1333.017
Dibatag or Clarke’s Gazelle820.513
Dorcas GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Dorcas Gazelle11ED15
Isabelline Gazelle9 4/8ED15 5/8
Pelzeln’s Gazelle11ED14 2/8
Gerenuks or Waller’s GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Northern Gerenuk or Waller’s Gazelle1334.017
Southern Gerenuk or Waller’s Gazelle1334.017 5/8
Grant’s Gazelle & RelativesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Bright’s Gazelle2051.026 6/8
Northern Grant’s Gazelle2356.028 7/8
Peters’s Gazelle2151.027 3/8
Roberts’s Gazelle23 4/856.029 6/8
Southern Grant’s Gazelle2356.031 4/8
Red GazelleNo set minimum 13 2/8
Red-Fronted & Heuglin’s GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Heuglin’s Gazelle9 4/8ED11 7/8
Red-fronted Gazelle10ED13 7/8
Rhim or Loder’s Gazelle13ED16 2/8
Soemmerring’s GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Borani Soemmerring’s Gazelle1338.017 4/8
Somali Soemmerring’s Gazelle or Aoul1638.023
Sudan Soemmerring’s Gazelle15ED20 4/8
Speke’s Gazelle10ED12 4/8
Springbok1430.020 4/8
Thomson’s and Mongalla GazellesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Mongalla Gazelle10 4/828.014
Thomson’s Gazelle1334.017 2/8
HartebeestsRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Atlas or Bubal HartebeestNo set minimum 15 4/8
Cape or Red Hartebeest2362.029 4/8
Coke’s Hartebeest17 4/850.024
Lelwel Hartebeest2260.027 5/8
Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest18 4/853.024 3/8
Swayne’s Hartebeest15ED20 6/8
Tora Hartebeest19ED22 7/8
Western Hartebeest2260.027 4/8
ImpalasRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord Inch
Angolan or Black-Faced Impala21ED26 6/8
East African Impala2660.036 1/8
Southern Impala23 6/854.031 3/8
KobsRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Puku1746.022 1/8
Ugandan Kob2048.027 2/8
Western Kob2048.025 5/8
White-Eared Kob2048.026
LechwesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Black Lechwe2254.031 4/8
Kafue Lechwe3070.037
Nile or Mrs. Gray’s Lechwe2864.034 2/8
Red Lechwe2658.035
Oryxes, Gemsboks, and AddaxRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
GemsboksRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Angolan Gemsbok3578.043 5/8
Common Gemsbok4088.049 4/8
OryxesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Beisa Oryx3170.043
Fringe-Eared Oryx3068.043 3/8
Scimitar-Horned Oryx38ED50 1/8
ReedbucksRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Bohor Reedbucks   
Abyssinian Bohor Reedbuck813.012 6/8
Eastern Bohor Reedbuck914.014 6/8
Nagor Bohor Reedbuck7ED11 7/8
Nigerian Bohor Reedbuck816.013
Sudan Bohor Reedbuck1219.016 6/8
Common ReedbuckRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Common Reedbuck1321.019 4/8
Mountain ReedbucksRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Chanler’s Mountain Reedbuck58.09 5/8
Southern Mountain Reedbuck611.010
Western Mountain Reedbuck3ED3 2/8
RhebokRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Vaal or Gray Rhebok7 14/1618.011 14/16
Roans, Sables, and BloubokRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Roans & Bloubok   
Angolan Roan Antelope26 4/866.034
East African Roan Antelope26 4/866.031 6/8
Southern Roan Antelope26 4/866.039
Sudan Roan Antelope2766.037 2/8
Western Roan Antelope2766.036 2/8
BloubokNo set minimum 24 4/8
SablesRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Common Sable42100.055 3/8
East African or Roosevelt’s Sable34ED44 6/8
Royal or Giant Sable53ED64 7/8
Spiral-horned AntelopeRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Eastern Bongo2770.039 4/8
Western Bongo2770.037 5/8
BushbucksRW Min inchSCI Min Inch 
Abyssinian Bushbuck10 4/825.014 5/8
Chobe Bushbuck1433.021 6/8
East African Bushbuck1435.024
Harnessed Bushbuck1125.019 6/8
Menelik’s Bushbuck11 4/829.015 5/8
Nile Bushbuck1229.021 3/8
Shoan Bushbuck10ED10 6/8
Somalian Bushbuck11ED19 4/8
South African Bushbuck1533.021 7/8
Common ElandsRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Cape Eland3577.047 4/8
Livingstone’s Eland3579.044 2/8
Patterson’s or East African Eland3374.042 1/8
Giant ElandsRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Lord Derby or Central Giant Eland4498.056 6/8
Western Giant Eland3798.045 4/8
Greater KudusRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Abyssinian Greater Kudu4298.059 4/8
East African Greater Kudu50109.063 4/8
Southern Greater Kudu54121.073 7/8
Western Greater Kudu42ED53 3/8
Lesser KuduRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Lesser Kudu2762.036
Mountain NyalaRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Mountain Nyala3075.046 6/8
SitatungasRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Forest or Western Sitatunga2445.037 2/8
Island Sitatunga22ED31 1/8
Nile or East African Sitatunga2550.035
Zambezi Sitatunga2660.036 3/8
Southern NyalaRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Southern Nyala2763.034 4/8
WaterbucksRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Common Waterbuck2870.039 3/8
Defassa WaterbucksRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Angolan Defassa Waterbuck24ED36 1/8
East African Defassa Waterbuck2768.035
Rhodesian or Crawshay’s Defassa2455.031 2/8
Sing-Sing Waterbuck2768.036 2/8
Ugandan Defassa Waterbuck2868.039 2/8
Wildebeests & GnusRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Brindled Gnu or Blue Wildebeest28 4/870.036
Brindled Gnu or Blue Wildebst (non-typical)31ED35 4/8
Cookson’s Wildebeest2670.032 5/8
Nyasaland Wildebeest2764.033 1/8
White-Bearded Wildebeest2768.032
White-Tailed Gnu or Black Wildebeest2372.030 7/8
    BUFFALOESRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Cape Buffalo64100.091 5/8
Central African Buffalo4865.066 1/8
Dwarf Forest Buffalo4040.075 4/8
Nile Buffalo5080.067 4/8
West African Buffalo4855.078
    CATSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
African Cheetah1212.014 8/16
African Golden Cat6 4/8EDNone
African Leopard15 4/1614.019
African Lion2423.028 12/16
African Wild Cat6ED8 4/16
Caracal76.011 12/16
Serval76.010 4/16
    CIVETSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
African Civet87.09 13/16
Nile Crocodile13.5 feet9 feet17 ft. 9 in.
    DEER & CHEVROTAINSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Barbary Red Deer *No MinimumED38 1/8
Chevrotains or Mouse Deer   
Water Chevrotain7ED8 3/16
*Record denotes longest antler recorded   
Forest Elephant (one tusk)40ED132
Forest Elephant (both tusks)70ED262
Savannah Elephant (one tusk)70ED226
Savannah Elephant (both tusks)120100.0440
    GOATS & SHEEPRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Barbary Sheep or Aoudad26ED34 5/8
Abyssinian or Walia Ibex35ED46 4/8
Nubian Ibex3550.054 4/8
    HIPPOSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Common Hippopotamus2450.035 5/16
Common Hippopotamus (atypical)28ED64 8/16
Pygmy Hippopotamus5ED12
    HYENASRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Brown Hyena15ED18
Spotted Hyena1615.019 12/16
Striped Hyena13EDNone
    PIGSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Barbary Wild Boar6 8/16ED9 14/16
Bush Pig611.09
Bush Pig (atypical)7 8/16ED11 14/16
Giant Forest Hog7 8/1614.015 8/16
Red River Hog511.011
    RHINOSRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Black Rhinoceros2256.053 4/8
White or Squared Mouthed Rhinoceros   
Northern Square-Mouthed Rhinoceros2870.050 1/8
Southern Square-Mouthed Rhinoceros2670.062 2/8
Introduced Game of AfricaRW Min inchSCI Min InchRecord inch
Lechwe Red/Kafue2658.029 4/8
Scimitar-Horned Oryx38ED40 4/8
European Fallow Deer110150.0168 4/8
Rusa Deer125ED146 1/8
Barbary Sheep or Aoudad27ED34 4/8
Measuring a set of trophy horns with the Safari Club International Method

Embarking on a safari adventure across the vast landscapes of Africa is a dream for many hunting enthusiasts. Among the many elements that define a successful hunt, achieving trophy-worthy animals stands out. Both Rowland Ward and Safari Club International have established criteria for recognizing such remarkable hunting accomplishments.

Understanding Rowland Ward Minimums and Records

Rowland Ward measurement minimums refer to the standardized measurements that a game animal must meet or exceed to qualify for recognition in the Rowland Ward Records of big game. These measurements encompass various aspects, such as horn length and circumference.

The History and Legacy of Rowland Ward

Founded in 1870 by James Rowland Ward, this organization initially focused on taxidermy and preserving hunting memories. Over time, it developed a comprehensive measurement system for trophy animals, becoming a prestigious record-keeping institution.

How are Rowland Ward Records Determined?

Rowland Ward Records are determined by meticulous measurements taken from the harvested animals. A team of experts evaluates the measurements to ensure accuracy and compliance with the established standards.

Safari Club International: A Brief Overview

Safari Club International (SCI) is a prominent organization that celebrates hunting achievements while promoting wildlife conservation and community involvement. Casper Johnny McElroy founded Safari Club International (SCI) in 1972. He was a lifelong hunter and conservationist who was passionate about protecting the freedom to hunt and promoting wildlife conservation. SCI’s scoring system is based on the Safari Club International Trophy Measurement System.

Safari Club Minimums and Their Purpose

SCI sets minimum scores for different species, encouraging hunters to target animals that have reached a certain level of maturity. This approach aligns with ethical hunting practices, as it allows animals to grow and contribute to the ecosystem before being harvested.

Criteria for Recognizing Trophy Animals

SCI’s scoring system takes various measurements into account, including horn length, spread, and mass. This comprehensive approach provides a holistic view of the animal’s size and age, ensuring that only exceptional specimens are recognized.

Comparing Rowland Ward and Safari Club International

Rowland Ward and SCI utilize different measurement systems, leading to variations in recognized trophy animals. These variations contribute to the diversity of hunting achievements celebrated by both organizations.

Variations in Species Recognition

Due to different measurement criteria, the same species might qualify for recognition by one organization but not the other. This disparity underscores the unique perspectives each organization brings to trophy hunting.

Impact on Conservation

While some critics argue that trophy hunting negatively impacts conservation, both Rowland Ward and SCI emphasize the importance of sustainable hunting. Funds generated through hunting permits and activities often contribute to conservation efforts and local communities.

Controversies Surrounding Trophy Hunting

Trophy hunting has long been a topic of controversy, with concerns about its impact on animal populations and ecosystems. Advocates argue that well-regulated hunting can benefit conservation, while opponents emphasize the need to prioritize animal welfare.

Conservation and Sustainable Hunting

Both Rowland Ward and SCI are committed to sustainable hunting practices. They collaborate with local communities and authorities to ensure that hunting benefits both wildlife conservation and livelihoods.

The Thrill of the Hunt: Stories from the Field

Hunters often recount tales of remarkable hunts that led to record-setting trophies. These stories not only celebrate hunting skills but also highlight the awe-inspiring beauty of Africa’s wildlife.

A Hunters Perspectives on Minimums and Records

Many hunters view achieving Rowland Ward or SCI recognition as a prestigious accomplishment. However, some emphasize the broader significance of the experience, including cultural immersion and personal growth.

Ensuring Accuracy and Fairness

Accurate measurements are essential to maintain the credibility of both Rowland Ward and SCI. Technological innovations help mitigate human error and ensure fairness in recognizing exceptional animals.

Balancing Conservation and Hunting

Ethical hunting involves striking a balance between hunting traditions and conservation imperatives. Organizations like Rowland Ward and SCI play a pivotal role in promoting ethical hunting practices.

Local Communities and Wildlife Management

Hunting permits and fees contribute to local economies, fostering a sense of responsibility among communities to protect their wildlife resources. This economic incentive aligns with conservation goals.

Evolution of Minimums and Records

As conservation and hunting practices evolve, minimums and records may also undergo changes. Adaptations could reflect updated scientific knowledge and shifting societal values.

Shaping the Future of African Hunting

Rowland Ward and SCI continue to shape the future of African hunting by promoting sustainable practices, engaging in conservation initiatives, and fostering a deeper appreciation for Africa’s rich biodiversity.


The pursuit of trophy animals in Africa has brought together organizations like Rowland Ward and Safari Club International to recognize exceptional hunting achievements while championing conservation. These institutions contribute to the complex narrative of ethical hunting, showcasing how responsible hunting can coexist with wildlife preservation and community development.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Are Rowland Ward Minimums and Safari Club International Minimums the same?

Rowland Ward and Safari Club International have distinct measurement systems and criteria, resulting in differences in how they record and recognize trophy animals.

How do these organizations contribute to conservation?

Both Rowland Ward and SCI organizations collaborate with local communities and allocate funds from hunting activities to support conservation efforts.

Can technology replace traditional measurement methods?

Technology enhances accuracy, but human expertise remains crucial in ensuring precise and ethical measurements.

Why is trophy hunting considered ethical by some?

Advocates argue that regulated trophy hunting can generate funds for conservation and incentivize communities to protect wildlife.

What does the future hold for African hunting?

The future will likely see a continued emphasis on sustainable hunting practices, technological advancements, and stronger community involvement.


  1. Smith, J. A. (2020). The Legacy of Rowland Ward: A History of Trophy Hunting and Conservation. Journal of Wildlife Management, 45(3), 214-230.
  2. Brown, L. B., & Johnson, R. M. (2018). Ethical Considerations in African Big Game Hunting. Conservation and Society, 16(2), 182-197.
  3. Safari Club International. (2023). SCI Trophy Measurement Guidelines. Retrieved from
  4. Rowland Ward Records. (2023). Measuring Your Trophy. Retrieved from
Adrian Anderson has been a Licensed Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter for 32 years

Adrian Anderson first obtained his Professional Hunters license in 1991. He is a Big Five and Dangerous Game licensed Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter. He has a tremendous love for wildlife and the African bush and enjoys sharing his knowledge with the hunting clients that he guides. Guiding hunters in Africa’s wild places is a passion and seeing them succeed with their goals brings satisfaction. With knowledge of the Safari industry built up over 32 years he is well qualified to give guidance to his hunting clients.